

The main goal of my services is to offer specialized guidance to the community to help individuals understand & move through the process of grief.

We all have events of loss throughout our lives....divorce, loss of finances, pets, loss of health, loss of loved ones through death.

We all experience a natural response to these events & that is what grief is. It's natural...we don't decide it...& it varies from person to person.  It can range from sadness, depression, loneliness, fears, anxiety and anger. Mourning is the expression of all these feelings.

The services that I offer can help you to understand healthy ways to express your grief & heal your life.  Grief is a physical, mental, social & spiritual process of adapting to a major change. Today you are one step closer to finding a positive path towards healing.


Contact Me

Confidentiality between a client and therapist means that information cannot be disclosed without written permission.

The only exception to this is if a client is threatening to harm themselves or others, I must notify the police & intended victim. Forms will be signed at initial session.